God gives grace to those who learn how to "Get Down." James 4:6 says, God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. The Amplified Bible says, "...to the lowly, those humble enough to receive it." When we get down, we find grace.
Can you imagine a big majestic deer crawling on his belly across an open field? That is exactly what happened! A big buck, with a great set of antlers, crawled on his knees. I heard the story of a deer hunter who was hunting with a bow and arrow to bag a trophy buck.

As he hunted that day, he had the buck in his sights. It seemed like an easy shot. He pulled back the arrow and let it fly. To his surprise the buck dodged the arrow by falling to his belly. The once accurately aimed arrow had missed the mark and flew over the top of the targeted deer. The deer proceeded to crawl on his knees across the open field to the edge of the woods, and then ran safely away.

Sounds unusual, but it is a true story. Somehow the buck heard or sensed the arrow coming and got down low. This action saved his life. How did he know to "Get Down"?

Perhaps he had a buck friend that walked out in the open acting high and mighty, thinking "I'm a big beautiful buck, I don't have to get down...I'm not getting down on my knees…. And now he is a trophy on somebody's wall, hanging in some hunters den...big, beautiful, and dead!

If you learn to "Get Down" you may look funny to others but you will live longer.

Deer Intelligence
I really enjoy deer hunting and was fascinated by the intelligence of the buck. I wonder if we as Christians could be smart enough to recognize the dangers of our adversary the devil and avoid his arrows aimed to destroy us. I wonder how many arrows we could miss if we would "Get Down."

The Apostle Paul said, "I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" in his prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. Prayer is one way that we "Get Down." As we humble ourselves and pray and seek God's face, we avoid many arrows of the enemy (2 Chron. 7:14).

Many Christians have arrows stuck in them because they don't take time to pray. There is no telling how many arrows fly over the top of us when we are praying. I like the way Brother Kenneth Copeland said, "Every failure is a prayer failure." We must take time to "Get Down" and pray to hear from heaven continually.

Low Enough to Receive Grace
God gives grace to those who learn how to "Get Down." James 4:6 says, God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. The Amplified Bible says, "...to the lowly, those humble enough to receive it." When we get down, we find grace. God's favor and ability is lower than many people want to get to receive it.

Supernatural Relationships
Read 1 Peter 5:5-10. Verse 5 says that we are to humble ourselves to those who are over us in the Lord. That means we are to be open to instruction and correction from supernatural relationships in the Body of Christ. The Lord said it to me this way, "There are important things you need to know that I am not going to tell you. If I told it to somebody you are supposed to be in relationship with, you will have to get it from them." That made me put a higher value on supernatural relationships in the Body of Christ.

Actually, we must also humble ourselves to others to receive the supply of the Spirit in the Body of Christ. Even though there is rank in the Body of Christ, we are also instructed to humble ourselves to those who are around us and under us.

Humility is an attitude that enables us to receive grace from God and also those He has placed in our lives. How can you tell when you "Get Down" sufficiently? It is very evident when God's grace, favor, blessing, and ability come on the scene in your life!

God inhabits eternity and dwells in the high and holy place, but He also dwells or lives with those who are of an humble spirit. Those who "Get Low," get with God. Those who "Get Down," go up!

"Lifted Up" In Christ
"My soul shall make her boast in the Lord, the humble shall hear thereof and be glad" (Ps. 34:2).

True humility likes to boast in the Lord. We can brag on what Jesus has done for us and in us. We can boast in God's ability and who we are in Christ. True humility also gives us boldness and confidence in prayer and in life because we acknowledge our dependency on the blood of Jesus and not on ourselves. Through faith in the blood of Jesus, we are "lifted up" in Christ.

Getting Down
It is an act of "Getting Down" to forget yourself and act like the Bible is true. It is also an act of humility when we rejoice because the Bible says to. It is an act of humility to lift our voice and praise God when we don't feel like it. It is an act of humility to give when it looks like we can't afford it. It is an act of humility to find a place to serve in your church and be a blessing to others.

There are many ways we can humble ourselves before God and others. One thing is certain—when we "Get Down," we will be going up. Surely we are as smart as that deer and can live long enough to grow a great set of antlers.

Mark Hankins Ministries
All rights reserved. Used with permission.