There is an evidence of God working within the heart of a believer. It can be seen in the earliest accounts of the Church as the Holy Spirit began to bring them together as a body of people.

In Acts 4, the Apostles Peter and John were arrested after the healing of the crippled man who was begging at the gate called Beautiful. They were brought before the council and religious leaders where they were examined and threatened because of the great stir that had resulted from this miracle.

When they were released, they returned to the others among them and told of the events that had taken place. They joined together in one spirit and prayed for God to use them and show Himself strong through them. After they had prayed, there was a powerful move of God through them as is recorded.

Notice verse 33: "And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all."

There was an immediate manifestation of God in them that would establish them as a powerful witness of Jesus Christ. The grace of God was evident upon all.

This grace from God was His favor and blessing toward them. It was His influence in their hearts and the imparting of His ability empowering them to do what they are unable to do on their own.

The first thing they did as God's grace was upon them is described in the following verses: "Neither was there any among them that lacked; for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles' feet; and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need" (Acts 4:34-35).

There was a wonderful spirit of generosity that spread among the entire Church. They began to give for the advancement of the gospel and for meeting the needs of the other people.

That generosity was the result of the grace of God at work within the heart to become a giver. Possessions begin to lose their grip as you grow in grace.

God is the greatest giver there is, and as His heart is born into you and matures in you, His same motivation becomes important to you. Giving is a lifestyle that is at the very heart of Christianity. It is evident in the Church from the beginning and is intended to increase in us today.

It is an area that can be so misunderstood or used for wrong, self-serving reasons that many ministers and leaders choose to leave it completely alone. But if God's Word gives us an example to live by, we must teach it and proclaim it in the way that God has intended. Then we can know that it will not be taught to manipulate people, but rather to minister to them and bring godly increase into their lives.

In 2 Corinthians 8, the Apostle Paul points to the church of Macedonia as an example of the kind of giving that pleases God, advances the kingdom of God, and activates the blessing of God in the personal lives of believers.

Here is a church that had experienced great hardships. They were suffering and under persecution for their faith in Jesus. Yet, in the times of trouble and poverty, there was an attitude of giving that emerged as an example to the Church for all ages.

How could people be so motivated to give then they faced poverty themselves? How could they have joy in giving when there was such hardship?

When you come to believe the covenant promises that are linked with honoring God with your wealth, you can easily understand their joy and giving. They were acting in faith to promote the kingdom of God with their wealth and receive the increase which God commands on all who will give with the right heart.

They were inspired to give by the promise of God. They were giving to the poor though they were poor themselves. Because Proverbs 19:17 says, "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again."

God's Way to Increase is Giving
When you are facing lack of any kind, you can activate the promise of God by giving according to the Word of God. You can literally give your way out of lack. That was one of the things that inspired this church in Macedonia to give, as well as the needs of those to whom they were giving.

In the mind of the Apostle Paul, this was such a vital subject that he left Titus in the city with them to teach them and help them mature in giving.

Notice the way he said it in 2 Corinthians 8:7 (HOP): "Just as you have abounded in all gifts…I hope you will also abound in giving."

God's way to increase is giving. It is contrary to the world's mentality of increase. In natural thinking, the only way to increase is to get it. In God's economy, it is to give.

Source: Grace Power Beyond Your Ability by Dennis Burke
Excerpt permission granted by Dennis Burke Ministries