If you want success, you must plan for it. Someone once asked Wayne Gretzky how he became the best goal scorer in the history of hockey. He replied, "While everyone else is chasing the puck, I go to where the puck is going to be." He planned ahead. Let's take a look at 3 keys to effective planning.
  1. Prayer. You may not know what the future holds, but God does. God's promises that if you will ask Him, He will show you things that you could never figure out on your own. (Jer. 33:3).
  2. Goal setting. Write out exactly what it is you are planning for. You will be amazed how this key will unlock your future.
  3. Prioritizing. You can't keep your priorities if you don't have any. Putting things in order will help you plan for and accomplish the most important things first.

    Source: Every Teenager's Little Black Book on Cool
    by Blaine Bartel.
    Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers