No one likes to work at a job without being recognized and even promoted for one's labor. There are reasons why some people seem to climb the ladder of promotion and authority, while others remain on the lowest rung.

Here are six keys to your promotion at your work:
  1. Always arrive a few minutes early for work and then stay at least a few minutes late.
  2. Do not allow personal issues or other relationships at your job to take time or focus away from your work.
  3. Never complain about your pay. You agreed to work for that amount, so be grateful!
  4. Ask your boss from time to time if there is anything you can do to improve your performance.
  5. Work with your head, not just your hands. Think of ways to do your job more effectively.
  6. Don't continually badger your boss with requests for promotions or raises. Let your work do the talking, pray and trust God; and when the timing is right, ask to speak to your boss, without being demanding.

    Source: Every Teenager's Little Black Book of Hard to Find Information
    by Blaine Bartel.
    Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers