Let's talk about drinking now. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:18: "Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery."

If drinking and getting drunk is one of those things you continually fall into, it's time for you to get a handle on it. It doesn't matter if drinking has been something you've been around your whole life.

It doesn't matter if your family drinks or not, you don't have to be a slave to drinking anymore.

The Power To Live Free
Some people feel that because their families had a problem with drinking that they're just doomed to give in to it. Or they think that because all their friends drink or that's the way they've always lived, they're just always going to be involved with drinking.

You need to understand that the Bible says you have the power and the authority to live free from that. Besides, the high that God gives you is way better than the high that any beer or whiskey could give you.

I'm telling you, don't get full of the world; get filled with the Holy Spirit, get full of God! Let God invade every part of your life.

If alcohol has been a temptation for you, or if this has been a problem in the past, you need to grab a hold of the Scripture and cram it down inside of you.

You need to say,
You know what, I am not going to put up with this anymore. I am not going to act like this is just some little problem I have. This is a sin, it's messing me up, and I'm going to put it down once and for all and say: No more will I allow this area to rule over me. Next time I feel like I want to grab a beer, or go to a party, instead of reaching for a beer, I am going to reach for the Word of God. I am going to reach for this Scripture and I am going to let it come out of my mouth.
Remember, in Hebrews 4:12 it says, "the Word of God is sharp. It is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword." It will make you sharp. It will make you strong because it will fill you with the power of God as you continue to meditate on it.

Write Ephesians 5:18 on a card and take it with you all day if this is an area in life you need to repent of.

It Is Time To Grow Up
Quit making excuses in your life, and say,
In Jesus name, I'm going to quit messing my pants in this area. I'm too old; I'm too strong; I've been around God too long to keep walking around filling my pants with this garbage, filling my life with this garbage and acting like it's just another problem. It's time for me to grow up.
If drinking is not a problem area for you, then make a commitment now that you'll never even get started. Promise yourself now that you'll stay pure and free from drinking for the rest of your life.

Source: Mature Christians Are Boring People...And Other Myths About Maturity In Christ by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing