This world is so corrupt and corroded in the way people talk to each other and the way they refer to other people. Not just the cussing and swearing, but slamming people and stabbing them in the back.

"But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips" (Col. 3:8).

It says, "...rid yourselves of...filthy language." Think about filthy language. It's not just swearing. It's having garbage coming out of your mouth. Whether it's garbage jokes, garbage cutting other people down, or garbage in the way you refer to leaders, it's just filthy language that's not honoring to God.

You might say, "Well, I just can't help it," but the good news is that you can help it. Now that you know that filthy language shouldn't be coming out of your mouth, add self-control to your knowledge. You say, "In Jesus name, I am going to take control over my tongue."

Another area of filthy language is lying. Don't say things that are untrue, whether it's what we call "white lies" or it's blatant lies to our mom and dad. It's time for us to become people of truth. You know you don't have to lie.

You might have a particular propensity to lie because that's the way you learned how to get away with things. But as a new creation, as a man or woman of God, there needs to be new words on your lips saying, "I'm going to be a person of truth and do what is right, controlling my tongue."

"Change your diapers." What that really means is to repent. When you find a certain area in your life, the way you get clean and take control is to repent. You say, "In Jesus name, I am not going to talk like that anymore. Lord I repent of talking like this. I repent of using the tongue that You have given me to let this garbage come out of my mouth. I choose to use self-control and submit this area of my life to You. In Jesus name, Amen."

Now, I want you to take Col. 3:8 with you all day long. First, take the next few minutes and meditate on it. Then, use it all day long to renew your mind and the way you think. Use it to give you power as you chew on it.

Write it down, take it with you, use it all day long. Then if you are tempted today to use your tongue for garbage, let this verse will come out of your mouth instead. You choose to use self-control; you choose to have this Scripture come out instead of the garbage you were about to say.

Source: Mature Christians Are Boring People...And Other Myths About Maturity In Christ by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing