Every Christian should have a vision of what God has for them to do in their life. One of the biggest problems we have in the church today is people working without direction.

Have you ever met someone who always stayed seemingly busy, but never seemed to accomplish anything? They are involved in all types of projects and duties but never seem to reach their goal. Or, if they do reach their goal, there is no satisfaction.

Maybe you are one of those people. Well, if you are, then continue reading.

It is very satisfying to have a goal that you know is important. You accomplish that goal in such a way that you can stand back, look at your accomplishment and be at peace. But, all too often this is not the case.

In churches around the country, people work religiously on projects, and many times never accomplish anything. Frustrated and tired, they drop out of the church or they continue to work and just burn out. Even ministers are leaving the ministry at an alarming rate.

Why? Usually it's because of burn out. Why are they burning out? It's probably because they are working without a vision.

Proverbs 29:18 says, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." I am convinced that many toiling away at duties in the church have no vision of where they are or where they are going. After all, if you don't know where you are going, you won't know it when you get there.

Find It Out…And Do It
Getting a vision of what God wants you to do and accomplishing that vision requires two things. First, seek God and find out what it is He has for you and second, do it. Do what God has told you to do, not what He has told someone else to do. Do what He has for you to do. You are responsible to God primarily for one person. You. You are responsible for one vision—YOURS.

Seek God and do what He has for you. Move in your vision. Be a voice, not an echo.

Habakkuk chapter 2, verse 2 says, "And the Lord answered me, and said, 'Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.'"

Seek God, get the vision, and then write it down. If you're a Christian without a vision, you are in danger of perishing. If you're a Christian leader without a vision, it not only can be disastrous for you, but for all who follow you.

Write your vision down. Make it plain upon the tablets, that he that reads it may run. If you don't know what your vision is, they won't know where to follow. Follow your God-given vision. But don't be a fanatic. Remember a fanatic is a guy who, after he loses sight of his goal, doubles his efforts so he can get nowhere faster.

You can live three weeks without food, three days without water, but you can not live three minutes without hope.

If you're frustrated, you may not be as far off track as you think. Seek God concerning your vision. Sometimes all it takes is a minor adjustment in your thinking to get back on track.

Saul looked at Goliath and thought, "He's too big to hit." David looked at Goliath and thought, "He's too big to miss."

Seek God, renew your vision, and do it!

Copyright © Larry Ollison Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.