In 1 Peter 5:8, the Bible talks about Satan's ability to devour. The Amplified Bible says, "seeking someone to seize upon and devour."

First of all, "devour" in the Greek means "to drink down. In order for Satan to devour you he has to liquidate you or basically turn your faith, hope and power into jello.

He has no teeth! He's a gummy devil! I've never seen anyone lose his or her life by being gummed to death! Have you?
My people perish because of a lack of knowledge.
(Hosea 4:6)
The only way the devil can "drink you down" is because of our inability and lack of knowledge to respond properly.

When I was in the 6th grade, I lived in Palermo, CA. One afternoon I realized I was going to miss my curfew from ball practice because I was horsing around. My dad told me to be home by 6:00 p.m.

I looked at my watch and it was 5:45 and I was about 20 minutes from home. I realized I had a dilemma. If I didn't get home by 6:00 there was a good possibility that I was going to meet Jesus...personally...that day!

You see, when my dad said be "Home by 6:00," it was like Arnold Schwarzenegger saying "I'LL BE BACK." You can count on the fact that he meant it.

My dad (whom I love so much) was the kind of dad who had the notion that, "I brought you into this world, I can take you out of this world and make another one to replace you."

So, when I looked at my watch, I realized I had to either perform a miracle or I was about to become one.

Let me tell you, I was just as anxious about being with Jesus as the next Christian. BUT, NOT THAT DAY! It was the beginning of baseball season!

I took off running! My best friend, Tommy, was at my heals. I was praying "God help me get there on time."

We ran about three minutes when we came to "ol' man Kelsie's" property. He had a six-foot high cyclone fence around his entire three-acre lot.

Signs were posted on the fence, "Do not trespass." "Trespassers will be eaten." And the biggest one of all, "Beware of Jaws."

Now I decided that if I could cut across ol' man Kelsie's place I could save about 15 minutes of time, but if I didn't, I was about to meet Jesus. Now the question was, would it be Jaws or would it be Jesus?

(To read Part Two, search author archives)

Go Ministries
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