The worst disease a person can be infected with is ignorance. Why? Because ignorance kills.

"My people perish (die) because of ignorance (lack of knowledge)" (Hos. 4:6).

Remember the old adage, "what you don't know won't hurt you"? How many, intentionally good people, have actually bought that lie? Hey let me tell you, if you buy that lie, you may die!

Ignorance is life's highest level of misunderstanding.

Jesus said in Mark 4:24, "Be careful what you are hearing." The measure of thought and study you give to the truth you hear will be the measure of virtue and knowledge that comes back to you - and more besides will be given to you who hear.

Every person's knowledge is based on truth. That's why Jesus said, "Be careful what measure of thought you give to the truth you hear!"

There are so many "truth's" going around. Marilyn Manson quoted in R.I.P., February 1995, "The message that I am sending out to America is to raise your kids or I'll raise them for you. I want to raise kids in truth and tell them that everything is a lie, there is no truth."

Now if someone whose truth bank is at an all time low level of understanding, heard that statement, they could very easily say, "Yeah, that truth is cool." But in actuality, in THAT "truth," nothing is true. EVERYTHING is a lie.

And since truth is what you believe, and belief produces attitude and attitude produces your behavior, you can pretty well see what's happening in our society today. People are, in reality, just acting out their beliefs. (Untrue beliefs!)

Don't get caught believing a dumb and dumber lie. Know the truth! You'll find it in God's Word.

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All rights reserved. Used by permission.