As believers in Jesus Christ, we have received precious faith through the righteousness of God in Jesus our Lord. Grace and peace has been multiplied to us through the knowledge of God and of Jesus. There are seven character traits, which we should be diligently adding to our faith. These traits are:

1. Virtue - moral excellence
2. Knowledge - spiritual intelligence
3. Temperance - self-control
4. Patience - steadfastness
5. Godliness - holiness
6. Brotherly kindness or affection
7. The love of God

These characteristics must be in the bloom of every Christian. When these character traits are abounding in us, we will neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We will be able to see afar off and know we have victory over our old sins. When Satan tries to bring one of them back on us, we can say, "No! I won't receive it! I already have victory over that in Jesus' name!"

Through the knowledge of what Jesus has provided for us, and our acceptance of His work on the cross, we have been placed in the position where we will never have to stumble or fall again! There are three very important things that could happen if we fail to listen and don't add these seven characteristics to our faith.

1. "You Are Blind!"
Blind men fall in the ditch. They stumble over things right in front of them. If you have no spiritual vision, you will be unable to see what Satan is attempting to do in your life. You will be blind spiritually because you have not added character to your faith.

Though you may be believing God to blow down mountains, you can still act immorally. You may not have spiritual intelligence. You may not be patiently waiting until the right time before acting. You may not be living holy before God. You may not be operating in the love of God.

All these things must be added to keep you from being blind as a bat spiritually. You can be regularly attending a Word church, getting fat on all the Word of God being preached, and still be blind as a bat spiritually by not having added those seven characteristics to your faith.

Spiritual blindness is one of the reasons people get slapped down and stumble and fall. They cannot see because they have not allowed those things to be added to their faith.

2. "You Can't See Afar Off!"
Not only will you be unable to see what is right in front of you, you will be unable to see what is coming in the future. God is not in the business of allowing Satan to sneak up behind you and clobber you. Because He can see Satan coming at you a long way off, He wants you to know it, too. He desires for you to know, to some extent, His plan for your life.

But you cannot see it, perceive it, know it, and get the benefit of it if you have not added those characteristics to your faith. You may have two or three of them, but you really need all seven to operate in high gear. Those characteristics don't grow on trees. They must be developed over time. This is a lifework for you. Don't be a Word-taught Christian who is fat in the spirit, yet still carnal.

3. "But You Were Purged From Your Old Sins!"
If you forget that you have been purged from your old sins, the things you used to do can easily sneak back on you. You will forget that you have victory over the flesh. You will forget that you have victory over sin. You will forget that you have victory over the devil. It will be just as though you were not even born again. You will look like the world, talk like the world, and fall into all kinds of sin - just like the world.

You will have forgotten who you are and where you came from. You will not be able to see the difference between yourself and the world, even though you have been born again and have known the power of the Holy Ghost.

For too long, we have slipped and fallen. God is tired of it. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must get its act together. We must begin to make a distinguishing difference between us, and the world. We have no business looking and acting like everyone else in the world.

God is moving! The wind of the Lord is beginning to blow! It is a holiness blow. That move of the Holy Ghost has begun, and His Church is being moved to a higher level. The time has come when we must be listening to what He is saying. The Lord has been sending me throughout the United States to preach His Word to the Body of Christ. Everywhere I go, I have been sharing the message He has given me, and telling the Church that the time is now.

For us to reach that higher level, we must begin to walk in these seven characteristics of God. We must have moral excellence, develop self-control, be kind to others, and live godly before Him. We must be full of His love. We must have the spiritual intelligence to know what God wants us to do - and then do it!

You were not put in this world just to eat, drink and be merry, so that you can have a good time before you die. God does not care about you having a good time. He put you on this earth to do a job for Him in this hour. People are going to hell by the millions, and they need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. But that will not happen if you live like the world, act like the world, and talk like the world.

The Bible says judgment begins at the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). We are not playing games. This is serious business - deadly business. It is eternal business.

Source: Success Strategies From Heaven by Keith Butler.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers