I believe UFOs are real. There seem to be documented sightings of these flying objects. How can you explain them?

It's estimated that fifteen million people have seen UFOs, and two thousand people have had actual encounters with them. It's possible that these sightings are real. Let me give you the reasons why I do not believe these sightings are of beings from another planet:
  • If UFOs came from the nearest galaxy to us, they would have to come from at least two million light years away. Traveling at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, it would take two million years to travel to the earth.
  • If they came from the vicinity of Alpha Centauri, which is the nearest star in our galaxy, it would take seventy thousand years for them to reach the earth. This is if they traveled one million miles per day.
  • It is also estimated that a spaceship carrying ten people traveling only five light years at 70 percent the speed of light would consume five hundred thousand times the amount of energy used in the United States in one year.
  • Professor Edward Purcell, a Nobel Prize winner of Harvard University, states, "Space is not a vacuum but contains cosmic gas, dust, and particles. If you were to travel at the speed of light, the collision with these space materials would have the same impact as several hundred atom smashers."
It seems that no technology known or unknown could overcome these obstacles. If UFOs are real, if there are flying objects that have invaded our space, they must come from another dimension and not another planet.

It's most probable that these sightings are demonic in origin and not life from another planet.

We know from the study of the Bible that demons are real; they have the ability and power to deceive. (For further research: The Omega Conspiracy by Doctor I.D.E. Thomas.)

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