So many ministers want a huge miracle ministry, or to be known as a great preacher, or, or, or…. The reason many do it, although they wouldn't admit it, is so people will recognize them as a true messenger sent from God.

But, how did Jesus expect people to recognize His divine authority? In John 5 we see Him in a conversation with some Jewish people who were offended that He healed a man on the Sabbath day. In essence, they were questioning His authority. He responded by telling them that He was absolutely dependent on His Father for everything…. He only did what he saw His Father do and only said what He heard His Father say.

In defense of His ministry, He pointed to the tasks God had given Him to accomplish:
But the witness that really confirms me far exceeds John's witness. It's the work the Father gave me to complete. These very tasks, as I go about completing them, confirm that the Father, in fact, sent me.
(John 5:36 MSG)
Notice that the very thing that proves His divine authority is His accomplishment of the tasks that God gave Him to complete. Jesus referred to John the Baptist's ministry, but didn't try to emulate him or his style. He knew that the best thing we can offer to God (and to the world) is ourselves! It's when we minister with authenticity that God's grace shows through.

We are simply to do what we are called to do, not what Billy Graham, Rick Warren, Rick Renner, Reinhard Bonnke or others are supposed to do. It won't be miracles, a great preaching or prophetic ministry that reveals God's hand upon us…it will simply be fulfilling God's plan for our lives. When we do, people will notice!

When I was serving under a great teacher in Texas, I found myself trying to be like him, rather than simply ministering in my own style, from my own personality, and using the gifts God had given me. And my messages grew boring and seemingly “canned.” But when I reconnected with who God had called me to be, life came back into my ministry…life that I was then able to impart to others!

Get with God and find out who you are called to be…and then get going!

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