Christianity can be fun! Since I met Jesus, my life has been great! Oh, don't get me wrong, there have been fierce battles, but with Jesus, we win every battle! I've had fun being a Christian! In fact, I call my life "Adventures in Faith."

In 1969, I was a miserable human being, a failure. Failing at everything. My marriage. My business. As a person, I was miserable. I felt inferior and intimidated. Then I met Jesus! I had heard about Jesus as far back as I can remember. I grew up in a home where we believed that Jesus was the Son of God, that He died and was raised from the dead and that He was coming back. But you can believe all that and never make Him the Lord of your life.

So, 24 years ago when I made Jesus the Lord of my life, happiness and joy came into my life. At the moment that I made Jesus the Lord of my life, I made up my mind that I would not go a single day without Jesus being in control of my life and that I would not live another day without His joy!

I had no idea what the Lord could, do with my life. I knew that I had been called to the ministry years before. I was watching Oral Roberts on television as a 12-year-old boy, and the Lord spoke to me that I was called to preach. But I ran from that calling. In fact, I never told anyone about it. It scared me.

But then February 11, 1969 at 3:00 a.m., I looked up into the heavens and told the Lord, "I know that I'm called to preach. I don't know what You can possibly do with my life. I am such a failure. But if You still desire to use me in any way, then I give my life to You right now. I receive You as my Lord, and I will do whatever You want me to do."

Joy flooded my soul as I began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance. I accepted the call to the ministry, and joy came! Twenty-four years have come and gone and I have never lost that joy and happiness. In fact, that joy has increased, and I have become a carrier of joy! If you get around me for very long, joy will get on you!

I am a happy person! I'm a joyful person. One of my best selling books is "If Satan Can't Steal Your Joy, He Can't Keep Your Goods!" When I was in Hungary several years ago, one of the newspapers printed an article about our meeting and stated "The Joy Preacher Comes to Hungary"! The message of joy that I preach has gone around the world.

I've had joy in me since I was born again, but early in my ministry, the Lord showed me that joy is a powerful force. It is something that can motivate you. Joy can keep you strong in the midst of any kind of adversity. God gave me a message about joy and it goes everywhere I go!

I guess if you think of Jerry Savelle, you think of joy! Praise God! I found out that the joy that God gave me, no man can take away. No circumstance. No devil. Nothing can take it away.

Joy is one of the forces of life. Appropriating the joy of the Lord is a matter of choice, an act of the will. You can get up in the morning and will to be happy, or you can will to be unhappy. The choice is yours!

The world is in pursuit of happiness. Everyone on this planet is in pursuit of happiness. People are looking for happiness in all kinds of ways and all kinds of places.

There are people that have the idea if they can just get enough money or fame, they will be happy. But we can see wealthy people around us that are not happy. Just having wealth will not make a person happy. Being famous will not make you happy.

The Bible says in Psalm 144:15, "Happy is that people, whose God is the Lord."

To be honest with you, I don't understand Christians who have lost their joy and are not happy. If there is anyone on this planet who should be happy, it's God's people!

Because I travel around the world, I have the opportunity to see the Body of Christ on a very large scale. Over the last few years, I have witnessed more Christians who are confused and who don't know where they stand anymore. In fact, many Christians today aren't happy! They seem miserable.

Perhaps it's because of the times in which we live. There is so much pressure and stress today, but according to the Bible, we can remain happy even in the midst of hard times.

Jesus told us that there would be perilous times. He warned us and told us how to prepare for them. He told us what to do when perilous times come. He said: 1)see that you be not deceived and 2) see that you be not troubled. Jesus believed that you can be happy in perilous times. You can still have joy no matter what comes against you.

I want to impart this thought to you: You have a right to be happy!

If you are not a happy Christian, perhaps you are not truly trusting God. Perhaps you are not spending enough time with Him. You have a right to happiness, but it doesn't come automatically.

"Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God" (Ps. 146:5).Where is your hope? Is it in the government? Is it in your favorite political party? Is your hope in the economy of this nation? Your hope must be in God! His source of supply is not limited by the world. Happy is that people who have God as their help!

"He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good and whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he" (Prov. 16:20). Who do you trust? I am sure you have found that you can't put our trust in man. You will be disappointed every time. Your trust must be in God!

One way to stir up your trust in God is to remember the good things He has done for you. Think about His faithfulness and mercy towards you. It won't take long to get your joy restored when you think about all the wonderful things God has done in your life!

Another way to stir yourself up is to meditate on who you are in Christ. God's Word has plenty of promises to draw from and to stand on as you review these promises, your joy will be restored. Remember the miracles that God has performed in your family, your finances, your mind and body, and joy will rise within you. Have an attitude of gratitude.

When I get in the Word of God, joy comes. When you find out what God's Word says about you, you will have joy too. As you continue to fellowship with the Lord and stay in His Word, joy will come! If you hunger and thirst for Him, He will fill you with His joy and happiness. There is no reason why you can't be one of the happiest people on earth. Happy is the people whose was is the Lord!