But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt. 6:33).

With each change of season, I know many of you set goals for yourself, your family, and your job or business. If you don't, you should.

The Bible says where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he (Prov. 29:18).

God has a plan for you in every season of life. He will place that plan or vision in your heart like a seed, and then it is up to you to cause it to grow and come to pass. It is so rewarding to set goals and see them fulfilled. Success builds confidence in God and in yourself, and you need to accomplish your goals to maintain a good self-image.

The Word Will Work
You may ask, "How can I cause my vision or goals to come to pass?" First of all, set your goals and then don't be moved from them by any person or thing. You have to be firm. Do not be double-minded or tossed to and fro.

Then begin speaking the Word of God over your goals. Your faith, expressed with the right words and followed by the appropriate actions, will cause those goals to come to pass, as long as they line up with the Word of God.

For instance, you may set a goal to prosper. However, if someone comes along and says, "It is not God's will for you to prosper," you drop your goal or vision. If you do that you will never prosper. Find some Scriptures to stand on and confess them daily. The Word will work if you will believe it and stand on it. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep you from error and He will.

Be Stable And Don't Stop Confessing
You may set your goal to be a better wife. One of the things you can do to meet that goal is to learn to be sensitive to your husband's needs. A self-centered spouse will never know true happiness in a marriage.

You may set your goal to be a better mother. Take time to listen to your children. Spend quality time with them. Learn to control your temper by practicing patience. Remember, God is on your side! If you flub up, He will forgive you. But don't stop your confession or drop your goal.

Did you know that in Genesis 49:4 it says that Reuben would not excel because he was unstable? Therefore, in order for us to excel and fulfill our goals, we are going to have to be stable. Some of the definitions of stable are: "not likely to give way, firm, fixed, strong in character, purposeful, and steadfast."

I like that.

I pray right now for you to set goals and be strong in character, have a purpose, and be steadfast and fixed in Jesus' name. I believe that you will continue to develop a close relationship with your Father God, and that you will spend time in prayer and reading the Word.

Make it your goal right now to be a success according to God's Word. You may rest assured that He wants this for you. He is your source! Seek Him and don't speak words that are contrary to the goals you have set. You will see them come to pass!

Harrison House, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.