"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision..." (Joel 3:14).

Today many people are in the valley of decision. In fact, every day of our lives, we all make decisions that affect our destinies and the course of our lives.

The choices you and I make in life are vitally important because our destinies in life are determined by the choices and decisions we make. We either choose God, or we choose the devil. We either choose life, or we choose death (Deut. 30:19). It's our decision. There is no middle ground.

Friend, each one of us has to willfully make the decision to live for God and to walk with Him. Joshua said, "...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15). Each one of us has to make the choice to turn our back on evil and serve the Lord with our whole heart.

Are you at a crossroads in your life? Have you determined in your heart to put God first? Your choice will dictate the rest of your life. If you'll put God and His will first in your life, you can be sure to make the right decisions!

Some people refuse to make any choice because they are afraid of failing. But sometimes when a person doesn't make a choice, he is already choosing failure. Sometimes no choice is a choice!

It is said that entrepreneurs Henry Ford and J. C. Penney failed many times before they finally attained success. You see, it wasn't failure that dictated their future. No, their ultimate success was dictated by their decision: "Nothing can stop me! I will succeed!"

Therefore, do not allow the fear of making a decision paralyze you. You don't have to bounce from one crisis to another and vacillate from one decision to another. You can succeed! But you will have to take a stand for God and stand firm in your decision to serve Him.

Have you been caught in indecision because of fear? Remember, you don't have to make your decisions alone. Turn to God, and He will give you the wisdom and strength to make every decision—large or small.

What are you going to do with your life spiritually? Are you going to be afraid to make a decision for God? Are you going to make decisions based on what people think? Or are you going to make your decisions based on what God's Word says?

If you are already saved but seem to be hindered in making spiritual progress, don't just sit there! Get up and begin doing something for God. God promised in His Word, "Whatever you put your hand to I'll prosper" (Deut. 28:8; Ps. 1:1-3).

Put your hand to something! Reach out to help others. Serve God's people. Be a blessing to someone else!

Some of you are facing decisions in the natural. You'll have to allow God to lead and guide you to the right decision. It's going to take some extra time spent in prayer with God so He can speak to your heart. Stay open to God and let Him lead and guide you in His Word. Some people already have their minds made up, so they couldn't hear from God if He shouted!

Multitudes are in the valley of decision. Don't halt between two opinions! Choose God. Choose the will of God. Choose the things of God. Go with God. Do what God is telling you to do. The decision is yours.

Source: From a Pastor's Heart by Kenneth E. Hagin. Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Faith Library Publications