The Holy Ghost makes us levelheaded. Those who stayed in the camp got as much as they who went. Be God's stewards and give the Lord His part. The cattle upon a thousand hills are His, but He worked throughout instrumentally. He gives you everything you have—physical, financial, and spiritual. He expects you to use all your power for Him; if you give out, He will supply.

He expects you to take Him into partnership, and give Him what belongs to Him; and He will bless you. The Gospel has to be supported. Water is free, but it costs money to lay the pipes and keep the water running. Angels can fly, but men have to pay [transportation] fare and someone has to help.

If you keep the pipes in order, the Gospel will be given out, and you need to help with your prayers, hold up the hands of those who work. If you trust God and walk with Him, that is the work God wants of you.

Don't take up with every vision that comes along. In the Pentecostal Movement, in some places, they have discarded the Word of God. They don't want a leader, and God always had a leader; when there is none, the devil takes the chair. God hath set some pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11).

How does any one know when God calls them to the ministry? Some one has said that when God calls anyone to do His work, you can hardly get him into the pulpit; but when the devil calls him, you can't keep him out of it.

Some people want to talk so much, brining in a bone of contention; and it is hurting the work everywhere. Leave outside issues. God will teach people what to eat, what to wear, and where to go. Many of God's children are nagging about these things. The Lord said, if you do not think it right to eat meat, don't do it; but don't judge another.

When we open our mouths, let us say something. If you have the baptism, you need not to tell it; people will know it. Let God speak to you; do not wait for someone to speak in tongues and tell you God wants you to do to India; let God speak to you.

People who go because someone else says so get homesick and discouraged and try to get back again. Let the Lord be our guide; if we do His will, we shall know His will.

Hold up Jesus and try to get the people so full of the Holy Ghost that they will live in unity. We do not want to lay hands on anyone suddenly. If we do anything in a spirit of contention, the first thing we know everything is in a jumble, and we have done more harm in one meeting than can be imagined.

Hold up Jesus and the Resurrection. Let us walk in the light, as He is in the light. Christ is the great Headlight and I am on the stretch for more light than I ever saw in my life; you have fellowship when you walk in the light. We are the lower lights and He will show us what to do next.

He will say to you, now you can do this; you may say, I did not know before that you would trust me; and again His answer, you can do it now.

Until God shows you a thing it is not a sin, but after He shows it to you, if you do it, it is a sin. Consecrate everything to God, day to day. He will not call you to do a thing unless He is going to give you strength and grace.

Source: Holy Ghost Sermons by Maria Woodworth-Etter
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

From the Publisher: "Holy Ghost Sermons" by Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter was first published in September of 1918. Harrison House is pleased to offer it as a Living Classic Edition. The text is reprinted almost exactly as it appeared in the original edition which Mr. Etter compiled and organized herself.

Readers will best understand Mrs. Etter's message by noting her relationship with God and the time frame in which she ministered. Signs and wonders powerfully earmarked her ministry. And her message is timeless, though some of her language is dated. So please bear in mind that Mrs. Etter spoke and acted upon the revelation she possessed in her day. Her interpretations of Bible prophecy in light of World War I and the evolving technology of her day are most interesting.

We therefore recommend that CFAITH excerpts of "Holy Ghost Sermons" be read in light of present-day revelation from God's Word. The Spirit of the Lord is continually opening the eyes of our understanding to know His mind and ways.