Now such as never before in the history of this nation, I believe all of the things we hold dear as Americans are in jeopardy.
God had a dream. He wanted to produce a nation that would become the springboard for bringing 85–90% of the Gospel into the rest of the world. Because of that dream, He launched America as no other nation in history on the precept of His Word. He built a nation that guaranteed the rights and freedom of its citizens to pursue their own choices in life. America became a beacon of hope in a dark world.

Now such as never before in the history of this nation, I believe all of the things we hold dear as Americans are in jeopardy. What we do in this next election cycle is going to determine whether God’s dream for America is truly realized.

A study done back in the 1970s demonstrated approximately 60% of the source material for America’s founding documents came directly from the Word of God. If you include indirect references (input from other people that was sourced from the Bible), the number can be bumped to around 80%.

America was built on the Bible. For the first 200 years of our existence, most of what happened in America happened in the local churches. Friends were made and kept in the church; politicking was done there; the Bible was a basic text for many literary studies. The church was the dominant influence in American life, which is one reason we have had the greatest prosperity any nation has ever experienced.

Then in 1948, a ruling came that introduced the term “separation of church and state.” Contrary to popular thought, that concept doesn’t appear in any of our constitutional documents. The phrase arose in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to a critic of his who was concerned that his deistic viewpoints might influence the governing process; Jefferson wrote him a letter of assurance in return that stated, “No, a high wall of separation exists between church and state.”

This judge pulled that obscure phrase from Thomas Jefferson letter, used it in a ruling, and that’s become a precedent in every case since. It’s become an excuse to begin forcing everything about God out of the civil arena. Prayer was soon to follow in the public school system in the early ‘60s and then every other opportunity for anyone who didn’t particularly care for Bible-related truths used this to further push God out of the public arena. Laws were enacted to ensure limited, if any, access at all by religious institutions to the governmental process.

We now have a situation where the churches who for the first 200 years of this nation’s history were the centerpiece of political activity have been eliminated as a formal source of influence in the political arena. So how are we going to continue being the dominant influence in the governing of this nation if we don’t even have access to that process any longer?

I think this is a cause worthy of every American Christian’s time, attention, and prayer. It’s time we begin generating some kind of momentum to reverse the process that has occurred over the last 50 years.

This election in November 2012 is absolutely crucial to the future of this nation. Make no mistake about it: this isn’t a little deal. It is a contest of ideas that put at risk everything America has stood for to this point. We can’t vote in this election based on personality, culture, or a single issue. We need to take the broad base of matters that are of a concern to America, compare them to the Word of God, and determine whose position is most in line with the Word of God. Then you have the answer of who you’re to vote for.

Please keep America in your prayers. Vote in this election. Do your part to ensure God’s dream for America continues to be realized.

First published in the October 2012 issue of Winner's Way Magazine
Copyright © 2004 Mac Hammond Ministries All rights reserved.