Second Kings, chapter four holds a particularly intriguing story of a minister's wife who had lost her husband and enlisted the aid of his mentor to help her out of a difficult situation.

For whatever reason, her husband had not made any provision for her or his children in the event his life on earth would be cut short. Now this widow found herself at the mercy of the creditors and was about to lose everything, including her two sons.

This could have been avoided by good planning on her husband's part, but unfortunately that was not the case. She needed a miracle, and was smart enough to know that Elisha, the man of God, would have an answer.

Many times, the blessing of God rests in the relationship with the God of your spiritual father.

We see her stating her case before the man of God and receiving a most interesting answer to her dilemma. He asked her, "What do you have in the house?"

I want us to look at her answer as it is recorded in the Amplified Bible. She said, "Your handmaid has nothing in the house except a jar of oil" (2 Kings 4:2 AMP). Her first thought was "nothing."

She followed up with an after thought, "except a jar of oil." It seem as though she was thinking, "What good is a jar of oil? It doesn't amount to anything when compared to my situation."

Beloved, we must never allow ourselves that kind of thinking. Our miracle is very often right in the house. It just takes someone with more experience in their relationship with God to see and point it out to us.

There is always a supernatural answer to our natural questions. There is always supernatural provision available if we are able to tune our ears to the Voice of the Lord. Don't get caught up in the circumstance. Get caught up in the Presence.

Give It Away...
In verses three and four, we read that Elisha told this woman, "Go around and borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels—and not a few, and when you come in, ...pour out [the oil you have] into all those vessels, setting aside each one when it is full" (2 Kings 4:3-4 AMP).

This is a marvelous picture of you and I as we underestimate the worth of what is within our house—the "house" that has been purchased by the blood of the Lamb.

We are the house [the temple] of the Holy Spirit. Each of us has a "jar of oil," (the anointing of the Christ within), if indeed we are born-again, spirit-filled believers (Col. 1:27).

There is neither debt, circumstance, nor situation that is insurmountable when the anointing within is released in the mighty name of Jesus.

If we will realize what we have, and begin to find "vessels," precious people who are empty and dry, and "pour out" of our "jar of oil" until they are full, we will have no lack at all.

God will supply all the oil as long as there is one "empty vessel" left to fill.

Beloved, the anointing will flow to, in, and through your life until the last soul, (the last empty vessel) has passed by the pour spout of your life.

It was only when the vessels ran out that the flow of oil ceased to multiply.

My last thought is this. The Word says that the oil multiplied. If you are feeling destitute, devoid of resource and power, there is the answer to your dilemma.

Refocus on your mission by searching out the lost, knitting your life to the heart of God, and pouring out to fill them with the precious presence of God. You will find your "oil" multiplying and meeting every need.

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All rights reserved. Used by permission.