Never give up. When you refuse to give up, then you can never be defeated.

I love reading about people who beat the odds. I love reading about people who were told they would never amount to anything, and they proved everyone wrong.

You'll find that among all successful people, there is a common thread. They had to determine that they would never give up. Calvin Coolidge, one of our former presidents, once made this statement: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence."

Helen Keller once said, "You can do anything you want to do if you stick to it long enough."

Babe Ruth once said, "You just can't beat the person who never gives up."

Someone once said, "The biggest obstacle between you and your success is a lack of total commitment." Someone else said, "Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others let go." That's what success is all about.

Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Weary means worn out from exertion; tired; fatigued.

You find that people who determine in their lives that they're never going to give up are the ones that God blesses the most. God is no respecter of persons. He wants everybody to be extremely successful. But you have to obey His Word.

As I've already stated, there are people who are more blessed than others. It's simply because they determined that they were never going to give up. No matter what they go through, no matter what kind of adversity they experience, they just declare, "I'm going to stand, and having done all to stand, I'm going to stand some more. And when the dust settles, God and I will still be standing."

In Hebrews 11, we find what many people call the "Hall of Fame of Faith Folks" in the Old Testament, and you'll notice this common thread among them. They refused to give up.

Hebrews 11:33-34 says, "Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens."

Now notice the phrase "waxed valiant in fight." In the Amplified it says, "they became stalwart, even mighty and resistless in battle." Stalwart means resolute, determined, unwavering, and uncompromising. These are all characteristics of people who become extremely successful and extremely blessed in life.

#1. You have to become resolute. When you're resolute, you don't compromise. You can count on it, there will be opportunities for you to back off, but you just absolutely refuse to be moved.

#2. You have to become determined. Not enough people are determined to win. There are a lot of people trying, but they're not determined. You cannot try to live by faith. Trying won't get it. When you say, "I'm going to try," what the devil heard you say was, "I'm not committed. Create a few barriers or a few obstacles and I'll probably quit."

#3. You must become unwavering and uncompromising. Walking by faith and becoming uncompromising are linked together. You can't walk by faith and be a compromiser. You've got to stand fast until you win.

Winners are rarely discouraged. Winners seldom walk around with their heads down in depression. They may have concerns, they may even experience doubt from time to time, but it doesn't last very long. The winner may wonder, "Dear God, what are we going to do?" But then in a few moments, he casts down those imaginations, and he comes roaring back with the Word of God.

Adversity brings something out of the winner that losers never experience, and that's courage. The courage to stand. The courage to hang on when others let go. Courage causes the winner to face anything and everything that Satan can dish out and yet refuse to give up.

There's hope for you today if you'll make up your mind to never give up. Begin to confess: "I am resolute. I am determined. I am unwavering. I am uncompromising. Quitting is no longer an option in my life."

When you're on the brink of a breakthrough, the pressure always intensifies. When you've got more pressure on you than you think you can handle, that's always an indication that your breakthrough is at hand. Set your face like flint and refuse to quit. Stay committed. Commitment builds spiritual and mental toughness. It enables you to persevere no matter how impossible your circumstances may be.

When you've done all you know to do, and it looks like nothing is working, then remember this: the anointing of God is in you, and the anointing will get you over every time.

If you are to win, then it's up to you. You are accountable for your failure or your success. Now start thinking, talking and acting like a winner. Winning is your destiny.

Starts with your decision
Unwaver in your commitment
Compromise is not an option
Continue what you start
Eliminate failure and defeat
See yourself as a champion
Start your journey to success today!

Jerry Savelle Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.