Abraham literally took God at His Word. If God said it, he believed it. More than that, he expected it. When Abraham and his wife Sarah were senior citizens, God told them they would have a son.

Sarah laughed at the idea. But at 99 years old, she gave birth to Isaac. By faith, Abraham received God's supernatural provision. As a result, he lived in God's perfect will.

Isaac was the avenue by which God's covenant with Abraham could be fulfilled. In Genesis 13:16, God promised Abraham that his offspring would be as the dust of the earth in number. However, when God commanded him to kill the very child He'd promised, Abraham could have panicked.

After all, God didn't ask him to sacrifice a goat, He asked him to sacrifice his only son. "...Take now...your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah; and offer him there as a burnt offering..." (Gen. 22:2 AMP).

Despite the high price Abraham was asked to pay, He obeyed God. When he got to Mt. Moriah, he built an altar, and placed Isaac on it. Then he raised up his hand to do exactly as God ordered. But just as he was about to strike the child, he heard a voice that warned him to stop.

An angel of God came to reveal the Lord's provision. "And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket..." (Gen. 13:22). So, Abraham sacrificed the ram rather than his son.

The Bible says, "...Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen [provided]" (Gen. 22:14). As a result of Abraham's faith, God provided what he needed at the time.

Notice that in verse 13, Abraham lifted his eyes and looked up. We should program our minds to do likewise by looking beyond the circumstances and instead look to God. Child of God, I don't care what your situation looks like - it is not as bad as it seems. If you hold on to what God's Word says about your deliverance, His provision shall be seen in your life.

Abraham was expecting God to show up. "And Abraham said, My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering..." (Gen. 22:8). The implication is that although Abraham was willing to do as God said, he knew God well enough to expect a miracle.

Expect God To Provide What You Need
God sees ahead. He's not just on time, He's ahead of time. Stop wondering how you're going to make it. Expect God to provide all that you need when you need it. Know that when the bill arrives, God has already provided a way to pay it. When sickness tries to attach itself to your body, realize that Jesus has already paid the price and with His stripes you are healed (1 Peter 2:24).

In other words, begin to expect Jehovah Jireh's provision to be made on your behalf. If you tap into this realm of relationship with God, you'll begin to see your situation change!

Forget what it looks like right now. Trust God. Begin speaking His promises aloud daily. Say things like, "God delights in the prosperity of His servant (Psalm 35:27), therefore I'm out of debt!"

Keep confessing until you see the manifestation in your life. Write down your confessions and put them in obvious places to remind you of God's promises. Be patient. Remember, if you wait on the Lord, He will renew your strength (Isaiah 40:31).

When God answers your prayer, jot down the date next to your confession. And whenever you're tempted to quit, take a look back at what God has already done for you.

If ever you could stand on something that will never fail, it is the promise of God. Abraham did it and you can, too. God has promised us a due season (Gal. 6:9). When it's due, it'll come. God's Word is your confidence, and with it comes great rewards (Heb. 10:35). Remember, no matter what it looks like, Jehovah Jireh's provision shall be seen in your life!

Difficult times often cause us to forget about God's willingness and ability to deliver us. Many times we focus our attention on what we can see rather than on God's Word, which assures us that nothing is impossible for Him (Luke 1:37).

Copyright © Creflo Dollar Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.