You are responsible for keeping your own heart full of God's Word. The Scripture tells us to set our minds on things that are above (Col. 3:2).

So if you want to get out of trouble and stay out of trouble, set your mind on heavenly things. Refuse to allow your problems to become your focus in life.

You may be facing a difficult situation in your marriage or in your finances. You may be experiencing problems with your children or your relatives. Whatever you are dealing with, go to God's Word and find scriptures to stand on in faith.

Plant those divine promises in your heart. Speak them out of your mouth continually. Enter into thanksgiving for the answer that you believed you received when you prayed (Mark 11:23-24).

Keep your focus on what God said about your problem, not on the problem itself. When you're tempted to get discouraged or when a bad report comes your way, just hold fast to the Word of God.

Set your affections - your focus, your attention - on the things above, and those adverse situations will pass away! A friend of mine said one of his favorite scriptures is it shall come to pass! (Deut. 7:12).

You know, many times it looks as if there is no answer to a situation we face. I mean, it looks absolutely impossible - no way out, no solution.

But the truth is, you can't find a situation that God can't handle. As you hold fast to Him and release your faith in His Word, you will find out that God does have an answer for you.

The devil is the one who tells us there is no way out. But Jesus said, I am the way (John 14:6). All we have to do is keep our focus and stay vitally united to Him in faith until the answer is manifested.

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries