I was talking to a farmer recently, and he said the most interesting thing about seeds. He said, "Some seeds can last up to 100 years in the ground without germinating. Then when the proper conditions and the proper elements are finally present, they will germinate and bring forth life - just as if they had been planted that very day."

Now apply those natural facts about seeds to the supernatural seeds God plants in your heart. You see, God is continually dropping seeds into your heart. He may speak to your spirit and give you a dream or a specific assignment - something He wants you to do for Him. Or you may have a calling deep down on the inside of you that you know God has planted there.

But sometimes as the years go by, the "dirt" of life can get pushed over on these divinely planted seeds, hiding them from your view. You may stop thinking about them; you may even allow your heart to grow hard to them. Nevertheless, those forgotten seeds are still in there, waiting for the appointed time to germinate and bring forth a harvest.

Many times He plants that dream or calling in your heart, it goes off like a big explosion! It's so big on the inside of you, it seems like it's going to happen that very day. But then it doesn't happen that day - or the next, or the next.

In fact, sometimes your entire life seems to take a completely different direction. You start scratching your head and wondering, "Where did that dream come from? It doesn't fit anything I'm going through right now."

Maybe you've been pursuing your own plans and purposes, and now you're going a different direction than God intended for you to go. As you followed your self-made path, that divine seed got covered up with the cares and worries of this life. Still, every now and then, you remember what God spoke to your heart and you think, I wonder if that will ever happen.

If this description fits your life, I want you to start searching for those forgotten seeds you've "swept under the rug." Remind yourself of the "impossible" dreams and desires God has spoken to your heart in times past.

Sweep the soil off those supernatural seeds and say, "Yes, I'm going to believe for that again. More than likely, that was God. He didn't forget about those dreams, because the Holy Ghost is bringing them to my remembrance right now."

I don't know what dreams or divine callings are hidden deep inside of you, but God does. After all, He's the One who put them in there! And you may as well accept this fact: No matter how hard you try to get rid of the seed God has planted inside of you, it's there to stay. That seed in you is incorruptible seed, a part of His divine plan for your life. You didn't put it in there, and you can't take it out!

That's actually a wonderful thing to realize. You may have totally messed up your life. You may see yourself as a total loser. But no matter how deep a pit you have dug for yourself, you can never dig deep enough to get rid of what God has planted in your life!

I'm telling you right now that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is getting ready to bring forth impossibilities that have long been set aside and forgotten. The body of Christ is coming into the right conditions and the right elements for all those forgotten seeds to germinate and bring forth a huge harvest for God's kingdom at last!

"But how can it happen?" you may ask.

There's only one way any impossibility can become possible - by the Holy Ghost. It has to be by the Holy Ghost.

Mark my words, my friend - a tremendous, supernatural harvest of forgotten dreams and hidden callings is about to come forth. And in the midst of it all, God will be glorified! It is all part of this hour of no impossibilities.

Determine to be a part of this unprecedented hour. Cultivate those forgotten seeds in your own heart by making this your continual confession: "All things are possible with God where I'm concerned. God is going to bring forth every impossible dream or assignment He has planted in my heart. Those supernatural seeds are all possible in Him, and they will come forth!"

Source: Hour of No Impossibility by Lynne Hammond
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers