About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose.
(Acts 16:25-27, NIV)

Do you need a big change? Need supernatural doors to open up for you? Need some chains to fall from your life? Need something to happen "suddenly"? Start praying! Keep singing!
Paul and Silas were in their midnight hour – the time when things looked the bleakest. After a day of accusations and being stripped, beaten, flogged, placed in the innermost prison cell and chained in stocks, most of us would be severely depressed, scared and defeated. Not Paul and Silas…they got their groove on! They busted out with prayer and singing songs to God so loud the other prisoners heard them.
Can you imagine the scenario? It's almost as if they said, "What do we have to lose? Things can't get any worse…so let's just let everyone within earshot know that there is a glorious God in heaven. If they kill us…oh well, we'll get to be with Jesus that much sooner." And off they went singing and praying…"Oh, we worship You God of heaven and earth. We praise Your glorious Name. We pray for our enemies…open their eyes, Lord…" and then suddenly…
Suddenly there was a big shake-up! A shift. A change. Foundations were rocked. Doors flew open. Everyone's chains fell off.
What a picture! God is into "suddenlies" - He can change your life, circumstances, location, relationships, situation and future in a millisecond! If you're facing a midnight hour and you need a change…a major shift…open doors and freedom from chains that try to bind you – get your praise on in a big, loud way!
Prayer: Father, I shout Your praise! You are the Most High God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. Jesus, I worship You as the Lord of Lords – my Redeemer, Savior, Healer and King. Holy Spirit, I praise You as my Helper, Strengthener, Counselor, Comforter and Guide. I worship You, Lord God Almighty. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Beth Jones Ministries
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