I have taught on prayer and fellowship with God for many years, and I have always valued it highly. But recently, I have come to believe more strongly than ever that it is the most important element in a believer's life.

Why? Because the only way we can fulfill the mission God has given us is by staying in personal contact with heaven.

God doesn't give us all the instructions we'll ever need the moment we get born-again. He doesn't send us a fax from heaven that contains all the details of our mission so we'll know exactly what to do for the rest of our lives.

He gives us that information a little at a time. He tells us as we go exactly what we need to know, so we always have to stay in touch with Him.

Satan recognizes that so he is perpetually at work trying to distract us from our fellowship with the Lord. He uses worldly distractions to stimulate our flesh and amplify its voice so it drowns out the voice of our spirit.

Satan does whatever he can to create static on the line and make it more difficult for us to hear from heaven. He doesn't want us to receive the latest orders from our Commander in Chief.

Satan wants to shut down our communication with God so that we get stuck just doing the same old thing we always did. He wants us just going through religious motions instead of following the leadings of the Holy Spirit in our heart.

Copyright © Mac Hammond Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.