The number one thing God wants is to be your God and have you be His people. It would be so easy to receive things from God if you would open yourself to Him and let Him do what He wants in your life.

If you want to please the heart of God, place yourself before Him and let Him work His perfect will in your life. Just be like putty in His hands.

Sometimes you need to shut yourself off from "religious activities." Sometimes you need to shut yourself off from witnessing and teaching. Just go to God when no one else is around.

Manage Your Time Wisely
You shouldn't spend all your time going to meetings. You need to spend time loving and worshipping God, telling Him how much you love Him.

Don't allow yourself to get caught up in religious activities without putting Jesus first place in your life and worshipping Him when you are alone in your prayer closet.

Don't let any work—I don't care what it is—take so much of your time that you aren't able to shut yourself off from it to worship Jesus.

If you do, you'll cut yourself off from the blessings of Almighty God.

The more time you spend in your prayer closet, worshipping Jesus, the better warrior you'll be when you get outside.

Source: How To Get Your Prayers Answered by Norvel Hayes
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers