Father God, I thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit that You have given to me. I thank You that He is my comforter and counselor, my helper and intercessor. Holy Spirit, You are my advocate, my strengthener, and my partner in my walk of faith. You teach me all things. You will bring back to my remembrance the truths from Your Word.

Holy Spirit, I invite You into every aspect of my life. Show me God's ways. Help me to know my Father's will and to be a carrier of His loving kindness into my world today.

Give me wisdom and insight concerning every decision that I need to make. Anoint me that I might do my duties with excellence. Give me the strength and courage to do Your will and to be obedient to Your voice today. Quicken my mortal body that l might have the physical stamina, endurance, and strength to do all that is required of me.

Let the light of Your love shine brightly through me today. Holy Spirit, live big and bold in me today. Help me to apply the truth and principles of God's Word to every area of my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Scripture References
John 14:16
John 14:26
Romans 8:11

Source: Scriptural Prayers for The Praying Woman
Excerpt permission granted by White Stone Books