Lord, sometimes it seems as if You are so far away. Lately I feel as if my prayers are without power and the cares of this world have choked my spiritual vitality.

Lord, renew in me Your joy and strength. Give me back the joy of my salvation. By faith I receive Your love and mercy. No matter what I feel like, I know that You will never leave me or forsake me. By faith I encourage myself in You, Lord. I sing praises and songs to You. I worship and adore You, Lord—not because of how I feel but because of who You are and my love for You.

I am persuaded that nothing can separate me from Your love—not death, not life, not angels, not demons, not powers, not the present or the future, not heights, nor depths, and not any creature.

I am alive to You, Lord. Your joy is my strength. I trust You. Your goodness and mercy fill my life till they spill out of me and change the environment and the people around me. Let Your love, joy, and peace rule my life. Strengthen me by Your power.

Scripture References
Mark 4:19
Psalm 51:12
Hebrews 13:5
Colossians 3:16
Romans 8:38,34.

Source: Scriptural Prayers for the Praying Teen
Excerpt permission granted by White Stone Books