I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men?
(1 Cor. 3:2-3)
What Paul is saying in the above Scripture is that jealousy and quarreling are signs of immaturity and self-centeredness. Jealousy is to desire something for yourself, not wanting anyone else to have it.

This happens because you think you are more important than the other person. Quarreling in saying that you care only about your opinion, your own perspective. You know that you're right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.

But as a mature believer who is selfless, you rejoice when others have something better than you. You're happy when others are blessed with a car or a stereo or new clothes. Instead of being envious or jealous, you're happy for them. You are genuinely joyful and willing to listen when they have something to say that's different from your point of view.

I've watched other people in youth ministries grow, get a new offices or a piece of land to build their facility. I've made a conscious decision not to be jealous, but to be thankful and grateful.

Actually many times we have sent them a gift or money to help with their project. Instead of getting jealous, I've rejoiced with them and prayed for God to bless them.

Many people feel they have to be right all the timeā€”and they're ready to fight to prove their point. But a mature believer who really wants other people to be blessed doesn't get jealous of their stuff.

It really doesn't matter to him whether he's right or wrong. What's more important is that we have peace and that God is lifted up in every situation. (See Rom. 12:18)

I want you to take a few minutes and chew on 1 Cor. 3:2-3. Now think about some areas in your life where you have been jealous or quarreling and stirring up dissension among others.

Now take some time to repent of those actions. Take this Scripture with you all day. Chew on it every time you feel like you are going to get jealous or want to quarrel with somebody.

And when you find a person of whom you are jealous or with whom you want to quarrel, find a way to do the very opposite of what they expected you to do. This time show that you're growing and that you're a believer and no longer "me" centered.

Source: Mature Christians Are Boring People...And Other Myths About Maturity In Christ by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by Albury Publishing