I have friends whom I have come to know well. I like them, but I know that if I ever wanted them to be at my house at 7 p.m., they would be late. My lack of faith in their being on time is based on my knowledge of them. They don't know what it means to be on time.

When you know someone, it becomes easy to have faith in them. You know what they will do. During the years, my wife, Vikki, and I have come to know each other's likes and dislikes. I know what food she likes.

Many times I know just what she will order before she looks at the menu. We've come to the place that, in many ways, we think alike and enjoy the same things. We just want to be together and do things together. We enjoy one another.

As a strong relationship develops, you will find that your likes and dislikes become more like God's. You enjoy His presence. The more you pursue knowing the depth of His character and learn His ways, the more you think like He thinks and feel His feelings.

It is only natural when two people spend time together that the person with the weaker personality begins to take on the character of the stronger. You are influenced by those with whom you associate.

The Holy Spirit wants you to allow Him to so overshadow and change your carnal self that through your inner being He can communicate His words, thoughts, and attitudes; thus bringing your intellect and emotions into perfect harmony with His will. This will take a diligent commitment to the Word of God on your part, as well as a sensitivity to His promptings.

The way you really get to know anyone is by spending time with them. When I first saw Vikki, I immediately began to devise a plan to meet her. Once we met, I developed a plan to continue seeing her. We became a great team.

Many people want a powerful relationship with God, but they will not discipline themselves to seek God in order to obtain it. So they feel defeated before they ever begin. They cannot see themselves really living close to God. As long as that kind of thinking dominates them, they are destined to a shallow Christian experience. But when they begin to chart the course of their lives and put God first, they will find Him quickly showing Himself strong to them.

Proverbs 3:6 from the Amplified Bible says this: "In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths."

As you seek to know Him, you will find the direction you need. The Living Bible paraphrases it this way: "In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success." God crowns you with abundant living when you put seeking Him first.

Source: Knowing God Intimately by Dennis Burke.
Excerpt permission granted by Dennis Burke Ministries