God wants you to be holy and pure and to keep clear of all sexual sin so that each of you will marry in holiness and honor—not in lustful passion as the heathen do, in their ignorance of God and his ways.
(1 Thess. 4:4-5 TLB)
Everywhere teenagers turn, images of sex are in their faces. Many think it's "un-cool" to be a virgin.

They don't have any qualms about dating more than one person at a time or having multiple sexual partners in high school. We are to show our children that what their peers think is acceptable is unacceptable in God's eyes.

It is important that you sit down with your kids and have "the talk" before they hit puberty and start noticing boys and girls. This will be one of the most important discussions you ever have with them.

When you tell them about sex outside of marriage and it's possible consequences (pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases), include what the Bible has to say about intercourse.

Your children may think that the Bible is an out-of-date book that has little relevance to what's going on in the world today; however, explain that it is the living Word of God and that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8).

What was written in the Bible still applies to our lives today. In fact, Paul said, "Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning" (Rom. 15:4 KJV).

Teach your children that sex is a gift, and when it is enjoyed in the confines of a godly marriage, it is a blessing indeed. 1

Make Your Day Count
Regardless of the ages of your children, you can begin praying about their sexuality today and discussing age-appropriate information. Ask God for wisdom as to when to have "the talk" and how to go about it so that it will have the maximum impact.

1 "So, Your Kids Want to Date?" Changing Your World Magazine (Sept. 2003) p. 12.

Source: Make Your Day Count Devotional for Mothers
by Lindsay Roberts
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers