Men are supposed to be the ones who spend time before God and hear from the Lord. Then they are to communicate to their families, "Thus saith the Lord...."

God wants to communicate with men, and He will if they will spend enough time with Him. But too often men have transferred the spiritual responsibilities to the women. For this reason, boys grow up in the home thinking it's somehow sissified to love God and spend time with Him and listen to Him. They see all that as "women's stuff."

One of the things I'm so proud of about my church is that there are as many men involved as there are women.

So there is nothing sissified about being saved! In fact, it takes a real man to be saved and make the decision to live right before God and man.

Any animal formed out of the dust of the ground can follow the desires of the loins. No one needs a special appetite to make that decision. But it takes a real man to decide that there is a right way and a wrong way.

The husband should be hearing from God about what he is to do. He isn't supposed to just do whatever he decides. He needs to hear what God has to say. He should spend time before the Lord and find out what God wants for him and his family.

Any man who is stumbling around, messing up and blowing money here and there is just following his own pride. As long as he refuses to listen to God, he will keep making mistakes and causing life to be tough on his family.

The husband's role is to hear what God has to say, but he has to spend time before God to do it. He can't be leading his family in the right direction unless he has listened to the Leader.

Source: What On Earth Are We Here For? by Keith Butler
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers