Only God knows exactly what the future holds, but you should prepare your children for the things they will most likely face.

Start teaching them when they are young about how to overcome the temptations of drugs, sex and rebellion that they will face as teenagers.

As you help them discover God's plan and purposes for their lives, you can help them prepare to someday leave home, get a job, or continue their education or training.

Each day you can help them grow and become the kind of husband, wife or parent that God intends for them to be.

Tell your children before they go through difficult times what they are going to be up against. Share with them your memories about these times in your life and how God helped you overcome them. Pray with them. Talk with them. But, most importantly, listen to them. Keep the lines of communication and love open.

Every teenager who ever lived thinks his parents never faced the kinds of pressures and difficulties he faces. But that isn't true. We all are human. We all have been through these changing times of life. And we can help our kids prepare for the future.

Your children are worth your very best efforts. And as a parent you can make a difference in their lives.

You can instill a love for God in their hearts and a desire to serve Him.

You can help them prepare for the future and help them through those difficult times.

You can pray for them, praise the, push them and prepare them. And you have God's promise of help as you do.

Source: How To Raise Your Kids In Troubled Times by Buddy & Pat Harrison.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers