Now, usually, when you read a chapter in the Bible, you don't think that much about the timing of everything. You assume that the next verse is something that happened the next moment or the next day. But think about this. Adam had to name every animal, every insect, and every creature on the earth.

We can't say this for certain, because God could have blessed Adam to do this in one day. But it may have taken Adam years to finish this enormous task. Or it may have taken him only days or months.

But the point is, you can't get mad and say that faith doesn't work just because you've been serving God one week, two weeks, or three weeks, and nobody's shown up yet for you to marry.

Everything is not instant. Maybe you're not ready for that person to come just yet. So you can't get weary in well-doing (Gal. 6:9). You don't want to miss your season of reaping.

But notice that God did bring a woman after Adam had done what God told him to do.
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
(Gen. 2:21-22)
God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam. It wasn't just a basic "I'm-taking-a-little-nap" sleep. It was a deep sleep. Now the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and in the original Hebrew text, it implies that God took one of Adam's ribs violently or in a very quick fashion.

In other words, He didn't open him up and take His time as we would imagine a surgeon would do while performing an operation.

Then the Hebrew also implies that when God brought Eve to Adam, He brought her back the same way—violently, dramatically. So that's how it's going to be with you.

God is going to bring that person into your life suddenly dramatically, even if you've know him or her for a while. In other words, your life will change—snap—just like that.

Source: God's Plan for the Single Saint by Keith A. Butler, II
Excerpt permission granted by Word of Faith Publishing