Suppose it has rained and you're outside, and you're really thirsty. You need something to drink. There are mud puddles everywhere. Would you dive on the ground and start drinking out of the muddy puddle or out of some ditch?

It wouldn't matter how thirsty you were, you probably wouldn't do that.

Proverbs 23:27 says that a whore is a deep ditch and a strange woman is a narrow pit.

Our society today has many ditches. You see evidence of this from X-rated films and on the street corners of major cities. But if you go drink from these ditches, you're going to be sick. You're drinking out of deep ditch instead of out of your own cistern.

A lot of women in the world today have a "ditch" syndrome. They're walking around ready to have sex with anyone. They think it's going to get them love. They think it's going to bless them somehow.

They're doing things their way instead of God's way. But they're becoming sick, and the people who drink from them are getting sick too. They're a deep ditch or a narrow pit.

They're doing things their way, the world's way, Satan's way. And their reward is that they get pregnant and contract venereal diseases, and so forth. They may have fun for a while, but their sin always has a price. Their kids come up crazy. Their families are all messed up. Their men aren't being men.

That's what happens when you do things the world's way. At first, it may seem to be going good, and you may seem to have everything. But sin always "comes back to you," and it's a lot worse than any fun you may have had.

Source: God's Plan for the Single Saint by Keith A. Butler, II
Excerpt permission granted by Word Of Faith Publishing