God is planting supernatural seeds in His people all the time. Just as the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and conceived seed within her, God is continually overshadowing His people and putting dreams in their hearts that shall be brought forth—dreams that are impossible with man but totally possible with God.

God was saying to Mary, "A supernatural seed will be conceived on the inside of you, and at the appointed time, the fruit of that divine seed will be brought forth."

I still have one of those supernatural, "impossibility" seeds in my heart that the Lord placed there when I was a child before I was even born again. You may ask, "How could He do that?"

I don't know how God did it. But I know He was the One who did it, because I had no environmental or family influence to help me conceive that kind of seed in my heart on my own.

I also know part of the reason I got born again was that God kept drawing me through this seed He had planted in my heart.

Sometimes it is a parent or grandparent who plants a seed. For instance, a young girl recently came to talk to me who didn't even know seeds had been planted in her heart by her praying grandmother.

The girl said to me, "I have to tell you about a teaching tape I listened to recently. As I was listening, the presence of God took hold of me and I started praying. I've never, ever prayed like that in my whole life! The glory of God just filled my entire being!"

This girl wanted to know what had happened to her, so I talked to her for a while about prayer.

"That's really interesting," she said. "You know, my grandmother was a great prayer warrior, and she made such an impression on me in my life. She planted seeds in me that I didn't even know were there until now!"

Source: The Hour of No Impossibility by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers