When we truly love someone, we do not envy him. Envy is something that a lot of people don't want to admit they have. The best way to identify envy in your life is to see how you react when somebody is promoted or blessed. If you experience discomfort or ill will, then you are guilty of harboring envy in your heart.

For example, when someone gets a new house, an envious person says, "When is the Lord going to bless me?" or, "That house isn't that great. I don't know why you keep talking about it like it's a mansion."

One reason we are not able to move up ourselves is that envy keeps us right where we are. Instead of rejoicing, we're envious. But when we truly love others, it gives us great joy to see the blessings and promotion of God manifest in their lives.

The Bible says, "Rejoice with them that do rejoice." (Rom. 12:15). When you're filled with God's love, you rejoice: "I'm so glad you got that house. Man, God really answers prayers! Thank You, Jesus!"

We should be glad when people we know receive blessings, because that means the line is moving and we're that much closer to getting ours. But some of us are just so stubborn that we refuse to rejoice. We look at people and get envious of them. If it doesn't happen to us, we're mad at the world. Perhaps one of the reasons some people are still in debt today is that they wouldn't rejoice with the person who got a promotion last year.

Child of God, get delivered! You can't afford to envy anyone. God said to rejoice, so rejoice and be exceedingly glad.

Many people don't realize it, but one of the most harmful effects of becoming jealous is that it cuts the very life out of our prayers. Jealousy leads us to murmuring and complaining. As a result, we hinder the anointing and the manifestation of our blessings.

When we become jealous of someone's marital relationship or look at someone who has something we don't have and respond with jealousy rather than joy, we limit ourselves.

Jealousy is always motivated by lack. Many times we respond to other people's blessings by trying to hurt them. Our insecurities motivate us to lash out in order to make us feel better about not having something. But what we're really doing is hindering our own blessings.

True love says, "I love you, and I appreciate all that God is doing in your life." This kind of love opens the door to our blessing.

Source: Lord, Teach Me How To Love by Creflo A. Dollar, Jr.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers