My mother and father are always on my back about my friends. They keep telling me that I should find new friends who live clean and holy lives. I am a Christian and love God. I want to know what's wrong with having friends who don't live the Christian life?

Your parents are speaking to you from experience. They realize that the company you keep does affect you. Neither God, nor your parents, is telling you not to be friendly with people. They're telling you that you can't have an intimate friendship with ungodly people without it affecting you. Let me share two very plain scriptures.
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."
(1 Cor. 15:33 NIV)

He who walks with the wise (God-fearing person) grows wise, but a companion of fools (no morals) suffers harm.
(Prov. 13:20 NIV)
Notice the negative things that happen when you spend time with the wrong company. Your character can be corrupted and you can suffer harm. Now notice the positive thing that happens when you spend time with someone who is wise. By associating with a wise person you gain wisdom.

The people you spend time with will affect you. If you spend time with God-fearing people, you will grow to be God-fearing. If you spend time with those that don't fear God, then you will be corrupted and eventually suffer harm. Your dad and mom aren't against you. They're for you and want you to avoid being corrupted.

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