The Bible says in Romans 13:1-2 that every person should be subject to a governing authority and that our resisting that authority will bring judgment on us.

Here are six things you should know if you break the law, whether it is exceeding a speed limit or taking something that belongs to someone else:
  1. God is bound by His Word to back up those who establish the laws, not you.
  2. Even if you are not caught immediately, the consequences will eventually catch up with you.
  3. Know what living on the inside of a 4'X6' prison cell feels like, because that will be your future home.
  4. Go down to the local jail and meet the criminals. If you choose to break the law, they could be your best friends.
  5. Get a job making 50 cents an hour. That's about what they'll pay you in prison.
  6. Realize that smaller violations will slowly but surely lead to larger ones. It will become a downward spiral that is difficult to recover from.

    Source: Every Teenager's Little Black Book of Hard to Find Information
    by Blaine Bartel.
    Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers