True faith in the Word of God never backs down to adverse circumstances.
"John," someone might say, "I've been doing all these things you've been speaking of. I've broken the power of the devil. I've claimed the promise. I've even been spending time interceding for my loved ones. But I still haven't seen anything happen."

This is where perseverance and patience come in.

Patience, according to W.E. Vine, is "the quality that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial." It is the opposite of despondency and is associated with hope.

Perseverance, in Webster's dictionary, means "to persist in anything undertaken; to maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty or obstacles."

Go The Extra Mile
Many times people "miss it" by giving up too soon. They give up in the eighth inning, instead of playing until they win. Sometimes you will have to go extra innings, but don't quit.

Ephesians 6:13 says, Having done all, to stand. Having done all you know the Word of God says for you to do, stand! Some take longer than others to respond to the conviction of the Spirit on their hearts. Some are "tough nuts to crack." But, glory to God, there is no nut too hard for the Holy Spirit!

The enemy will come to you and say, Now let's be realistic. Look at the situation. Observe the circumstances. God isn't working in their lives. They haven't changed a bit. You don't really believe that they'll ever be saved, do you? Why don't you just give up hope and admit they'll never come to the Lord?

Say It And Mean It
If Satan can keep you in the realm of reason and keep your eyes on circumstances, get ready for defeat. If he can get you to start saying, "I guess I'm just wasting my time. They'll never come to the Lord in a million years," then you have lost. Remember, the Bible says you will have what you say (Mark 11:23).

But, if you keep the devil in the arena of faith, you will whip him every time. When he comes to you with those discouraging thoughts, don't think on them; cast them down in Jesus' name, according to 2 Corinthians 10:5, which says, "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."

Begin to confess with you mouth:
No, you don't, devil. I know your tricks, and I know you're a liar. God says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." You say that they won't be saved. Someone's lying, and it's not God. It's you!

I've claimed them for God in Jesus' name, and I'll stand in faith and love until it's manifested. I'm not moved by what I see or feel; I'm moved only by the Word of God. I'll stand as long as I have to, because I know my God cannot fail!
True faith in the Word of God never backs down to adverse circumstances. When you stand on the eternal Word of God for the salvation of your loved ones and put all your trust in Him, failure is impossible.

Source: How to Win Your Loved Ones to the Lord
by John Bulloch
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers