Do you really care for the people around you? Are you reaching out to them? What about the lost around the world? Do you care that they are lost? It is time to be really honest with these questions. We know that we should care, but sometimes we still do not care.

You need to share your feelings about the lost with the Lord. Be really honest with Him. Ask Him to fill your heart with compassion like Jesus had.

The Bible says, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them..." (Matt. 9:36). Ask Him to fill your heart with the same compassion.

The Bible also says "...God has poured out his love into our hearts..." (Rom. 5:5). Ask Him to let that love (since it is already in you) be known in your head.

Ask Him to let you see people through His eyes. Read about people from other countries and pray for them seriously.

Source: Quit Playing With Fire by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by Teen Mania Ministries