God has a dream for our lives. He wants us to be radically saved and set on fire for Him! He wants us to be thoroughly committed to loving Him and going after Him with all of our hearts. He wants to heal the brokenness in our lives and put us back together again. He wants us to live clean lives and have an undeniable passion for Him.

The Bible says He wants to bless our lives and to give us abundant life (John 10:10)! This is where we usually stop, but this is where He just begins.

God wants to use your life to change this world in a big way! He is thinking about you and how He desires for you to be completely strong in Him, but He is also thinking about the rest of the world.

God's dream has to do with reaching the "ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). He has been wanting the whole world to know Him from the beginning. He never wanted just a part of the world, He wanted it all! He never wanted a few people, He wanted them all. He never wanted just the people in America to know Him, He wanted the whole world.

For thousands of years, God has been strategizing how He can get the world back. He is constantly thinking about it. We, as humans, think about many things. He thinks about one thing: the people of the world and how to reach them. He is specifically trying to reach those who have never had their first chance to hear about Him. His dream is that everyone would have a chance to hear.

Many, many people are caught up in the American dream. They love God but they also love the "stuff" that the affluence of North America offers. They spend so much time planning how to get what is supposed to bring happiness that they forget to be happy. Their life is going full steam ahead trying to achieve the American dream. They concentrate so much on fulfilling that dream that they don't even consider God's dream.

It is time for us to start caring about God's dream for the world and not just about our own lives!

Source: Quit Playing With Fire by Ron Luce.
Excerpt permission granted by Teen Mania Ministries