God had only one son, and He made Him a missionary.

God's heart beats for the people of the world. If we were to look deep inside the heart of God, we would see that He longs for nothing more than to see His children come to know Him.

The greatest mandate and highest call is that we would go and tell others of God's great love. He has promised to be with you as you go.

"How can I reach the world?" one might ask. That may mean you have to pray longer, read the Word more, be willing to go on a mission trip or share your faith with someone at work or in your neighborhood.

Whatever it is, you need to find that one thing that will cause you to succeed in your walk with God. What is that one thing that is going to set you above the world, as you are involved in forcefully advancing the kingdom?

Matthew 11:12 says "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."

Get Assertive
If you get a little tenacious about winning lost souls, you will take lives out of the devil's hands and give them to God. When you get assertive and make a decision to advance the kingdom, God will make your life count.

Is there someone at work you need to share the Gospel with?

Is God calling you to go on a mission trip?

Whatever the case may be, we are called to share the precious gift that God has bestowed upon us with everyone!

Take hold, and forcefully advance the kingdom.

Copyright © Teen Mania Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.