This is where your challenge lies. Once you have given your all to love Him, He wants you to love the world. It is only in doing so that you will change it. The world cannot help being changed, for it has never seen love like this before.

"WorldChangers" seek out neighbors. They know that there are plenty of people whose hearts God has prepared and who are just waiting to be told.

"WorldChangers" are ready to seek out the harvest. They realize that it is just as important for others to have the gospel as it is for them to have it. Therefore, they keep going out of their way to get it into others' lives.

"WorldChangers" will leave their comfort zones and spend free time going to where the people are so they can reach them there. They are moved with compassion to find and reach all the "neighbors" in the world and bring to gospel to them.

Copyright © Teen Mania Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.