Although we should appreciate and appropriate the abundant provision God gives us, we must always remember the provision is not the point.

Our purpose here on the earth is not to just enjoy God's blessings. Our purpose is to fulfill the mission Jesus has given us as His ambassadors. Our purpose is to penetrate the darkness and bring people His light.

The only way for us to successfully do that is by staying in constant contact with Him.

Sometime ago during the war in Iraq, I saw an interview with the Iraqi ambassador that perfectly illustrated this principle.

A news reporter was asking the ambassador about his government's current plans...if Saddam Hussein was still alive and, if he was, did Mr. Hussein still believe he could keep his government together?

In essence, the Iraqi ambassador answered, "I'm sure everything in Iraq is fine, but I cannot specifically say what Saddam Hussein is planning. I haven't spoken with him for some days."

There was such a lack of communication between this ambassador and his homeland that he didn't even know what was going on! Although he proceeded to give his opinion, nobody really listened.

They didn't care about the ambassador's personal viewpoint. His words only carried weight if they were coming through him directly from the government of Iraq.

As ambassadors of heaven, we need to stay in touch with our homeland and our Commander in Chief. We should constantly go to the throne of grace to receive our instructions from Him.

We should confer with Him daily, getting His advice and counsel about how to carry out His purpose and plan.

We must continually follow heaven's orders. When we minister to people in Jesus' name, we shouldn't give them our thoughts and opinions, we should say the words Jesus has given us to say.

Those are the only words that will truly make a difference!

Copyright © Mac Hammond Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.