The operation of send is a part of this present hour of no impossibilities!

We can see this divine operation in the book of Acts, which records the beginning of the dispensation of the Holy Spirit and revival exploding on the scene.

That time period was marked by an hour of no impossibilities.

How can we describe that moving of God in the book of Acts? We would have to say it was a time when all things were possible with God. That's why it was such a great move.

Just think about the man at the gate Beautiful (Acts 3:1-8). That was an impossible situation. Here was a man who had been crippled in his feet his entire life. He had never, ever walked.

No Impossibilities
But when Peter grabbed his hand and pulled him up on his feet in the name of Jesus, he began walking and leaping and praising God.

Think about that! Talk about an impossibility!

Now consider Paul and his Damascus road experience (Acts 9:1-6). What an impossible situation that was! Man could never have transformed that zealous persecutor of the church into one of the greatest ministers of the Gospel who ever lived.

As impossible as it seems to our natural minds, Paul's supernatural conversion was absolutely possible with God!

Think about Peter when he raised Dorcas from the dead (Acts 9:36-41). Dorcas was a woman who spent her life doing good works and making garments to bless others.

As she lay dead in a room with everyone standing around, Peter came in and commanded her to arise—and she did! What could be more impossible with man than raising someone from the dead?

Our Own Eyes
You know, within this generation of believers are those of us who don't have "Thomas faith"—in other words, we don't have to see first before we'll believe. We are blessed because we believe in the power of God, even though we have yet to see the fullness of its manifestation.

But we're going to! We're going to see the fullness of God's power with our natural eyes!

Source: The Hour of No Impossibilities by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers