Are you ready? God wants to change you! He wants to rearrange you! He wants to do BIG things in your life. He wants to do DEEP things in your life.

But guess what? You might need to make some adjustments. You are only one piece to the puzzle! God NEEDS you!

I've had teens come to me at times and say, "Do you know what? I really mean business this time!" They know deep down inside that they need to change directions and follow after God with all their heart.

I see that in many young people today. They get to a place where they really mean business; they really want God and they're acknowledging the very fact that they really need God.

Do you know what that is when you say that? "God I really need you." That is self-induced brokenness. You are coming to a place where you realize that you just absolutely and positively cannot do it on your own!

When you have that self-induced brokenness that's when God shows up. That is an aroma! That is a scent that God will always run after!

That's when God will start to use you. And I mean use you BIG TIME!

Every person needs to do their part and give their share and go after God with all their heart. When we all come together and all do our part, that's when BIG things begin to happen.

"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work" (Eph. 4:16 NIV).

In other words, when the natural comes together with the creates an explosive force for God! When we come together in the natural and we seek after God the supernatural being, the invisible God...When we seek after Him, we're going to find Him! And He is going to use us!

That's when His SUPER is going to be placed on our NATURAL and we'll start to see the deep things of God take place.

I want to see people get healed and set free! I want to see people get out of wheel chairs! There should not be ONE sick person among us!

What did Jesus tell the disciples shortly before He was crucified? "These works and greater works shall you do because I go to my father who is in heaven" (John 14:12).

So I ask you again. Are you ready?

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