To the world, God's plan for our increase seems upside down. In His plan, you give in order to receive. The way up with God is down because the seeds of your increase are in your hand.

Harvest—it's the reason for everything the successful farmer does. The plowing, the sowing, the fertilizing, the spraying is all for the harvest. Every second of preparation and every drop of sweat is focused on one goal—to get the maximum harvest possible from the ground into which he sows.

God's Word tells us we should see life much like we see that farm and that we should see our part in making life productive and successful like the actions of the farmer.

The principle that the farmer uses to make his farmland productive is the same basic principle on which all of God's kingdom operates. The principle of seedtime and harvest is foundational to the working of the kingdom of God. It's how His kingdom operates.

The importance of this great truth is clearly stated in Galatians 6:7, "A man's harvest in life will depend entirely on what he sows" (Phillips Translation). This means that the results you experience in life—the growth, advancement, increase or loss—are a result of the seeds you sow.

Nothing you experience in life is exempt from this basic truth. Your present situation is largely a product of the seeds you have sown in the past. The good news is your future can be changed by the seeds you sow today.

Your future is in your hand and in your heart in seed form. If you can learn to plant the seeds that will create the kind of life that God has destined you to live in, you will find His plan becoming a reality for you.

Source: Breaking Financial Barriers by Dennis Burke
Excerpt permission granted by Dennis Burke Publications