If you have a note due in January for $10,000, don't wait until December 29th to ask God to meet that need or to confess that your need is met according to His riches in glory.

You have waited too late. That would take a miracle and we are not talking about miracles at this point.

You need to start by putting the seed in the ground and proclaiming that your need is met. The law of sowing and reaping is a law of God and it works.

Here is what has happened in many cases. People have started saying, "Oh, Lord, it looks worse. There is a recession on and I won't have the money by the end of the year. I will never be able to meet the payment. We will never be able to do it."

They confessed that for six months. Then when the note came due, they didn't have the money, but they were very pleased that they were able to prophesy it six months ahead of time.

The law of sowing and reaping was set in motion and produced failure. They spoke unbelief in prayer and they got what they said. Then they wondered why it worked out that way.

The very principle that God gave us to put us over, we have used in reverse. It will work just as fast in reverse gear as it will in forward.

I have heard people say, "I prayed, but I believe it is getting worse." "I prayed, but I'm afraid it is not working out."

Well, I am not afraid. I know it is not working out because you are not releasing faith in God. You are releasing faith in the devil.

Fear is the reverse gear of faith. Fear brings Satan on the scene. Fear releases the ability of Satan against you.

Faith releases the ability of God on your behalf. So when you pray, believe right then that it is settled. Believe when you pray, and the manifestation will come.

This is not a fairytale. The Word of God is true and it works. It is spiritual law. The Word is your contract with God the Father. You need to read your contract and know what is in it.

Source: Releasing the Ability of God Through Prayer
by Charles Capps.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers