After God created the earth and created man, He put man in the garden. And God, after He created animals and all different kinds of things, He saw that man still does not have a helpmate. So he created woman.

We know the story of Genesis, how God created the heavens and the earth, and how God made every living thing. He went on after he had created the earth and created man, and he put man in the garden. And God, after he created animals and all different kinds of things, he saw that man still does not have a helpmate. So he created woman.

In Genesis 3:20, after the fall of man, Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living. The Amplified Bible says that Eve's name means "lifespring," because she was the mother of all the living.

And a woman is a lifespring. She has the ability to bring forth life. Of course we can't bring it forth by ourselves, we need the man - but most of all we need God. Because he stamps the approval on it and puts the breath of life into that little body that we are conceiving.

Honor And Grace
We know as mothers that we're not perfect all the time. We make mistakes. But as children, we can't hold those mistakes against our parents. We have to realize that they're human. And they will make mistakes. But, notwithstanding any of that, God tells us in Exodus 20:12, "to honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the earth which the Lord thy God giveth thee."

Honoring your mother and father is directly connected to long life. If you don't honor your parents, you don't honor your mother, you have cut the connection to long life. The Bible does not say honor if you think they deserve it. He says honor your father and your mother.

The Lord commands us to honor our father and our mother. Now, sometimes we get to the place where we think that we know more than they do. We know more than our mom, so we're going to do it our way, and of course we fall on our face and then try to hide it so nobody will see it.

But a mother has a special anointing from God to mother us. And that anointing becomes apparent and begins to flow when we honor her. We have a part in that anointing flowing in here by giving her the honor that is due to her.

Often times, we run into people who are so angry with their parents…and their parents are dead. And they are still holding onto things. And then they wonder why things aren't going right for them. You're only hurting yourself. You need to forgive her. Because your life is connected to how you honor your mother. She does not have to be alive for you to honor her.

You honor her in how you live. You honor her in how you have paid attention to the instructions that she gave you. You have to honor her because God commanded you to honor her.

Now, a commandment is a degree or proclamation issued by an authority. And we have a commandment, we have a proclamation that has been issued by God and he's not going to take it back. He can't change it. We have to obey and honor our mothers.

Now, "honor," in the dictionary means "to show special esteem or respect. To show profound respect mingled with love and devotion." She is an authority figure and it is a commandment from God to love her, to respect her, to show her honor, to esteem her, to see her as valuable. She gave you the opportunity to be here and experience the blessings of God on your life. To esteem means to "regard with respect, to prize them, to set a high value on them, to appreciate, treasure them as being precious and irreplaceable."

As you grow older, you begin to respect the wisdom that comes out of your mother's mouth, then you want to share that with other people that you see need that in their lives. My mom is not perfect. I'm not perfect. I'm not a perfect mother, but I do my best. And that's all God requires of you.

Now, in order to do your best though you have to acquire some knowledge, and that's why it's important that you get in God's Word and find out his way of parenting, his way of being a good mother, what he wants you to be, how he wants you to act. And how he wants you to flow as a mother of God, a godly mother to your children.

If you honor your parents, regardless of what they do, then you will be in good standing not only with God, but with your mom and your dad. You will be satisfactory, you will feel satisfied with your life, you will be satisfied with the conditions around you. You will be prosperous.

When you honor, when you show honor to who honor is due, and in this instance we're talking about your mother, you're teaching your children how to honor you.

How would you like it if you said to your children, "I want you to show me honor. I want you to be the best that you can be. And I want you to respect me." And they say to you, "I am respecting you the way I see you respect God. I am obeying you the way I see you obey God. I am loving you the way I see you love God. I am living my life before you the way I see you live your life before God."

Children watch what we do and they're learning from what we do.

Keith Butler Ministries
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