Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Jesus Is the Reason for the Season, Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men! For most of us, all of these expressions stir up good thoughts, good memories, good feelings, and even a sense of anticipation and joy. At least we know that is what Thanksgiving and the celebration of Jesus' birth are supposed to do...that is what we want for ourselves and our families.

Somehow the season of celebration falls short of all our expectations. Instead of bringing peace and joy, we feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled in our hearts. Those same expressions conjure up feelings of inadequacy, stress and distress over the extra work and tasks, inadequate rest, financial concerns, hurried last-minute shopping, and a frantic nonstop pace—all of which end in some degree of emotional or physical exhaustion and disappointment.

Much of the season's celebration is designed by the world to separate us from the real "Reason for the Season." Unfortunately we become so distracted by the busy-ness that we miss out on all the good things of the season.

In Luke 10:38-42 there is a great illustration about Jesus' friends, Mary and Martha. Martha was rushing to and fro preparing dinner for her guests. She was irritated with her sister, Mary, who was just sitting there, listening to Jesus' every word. Jesus loved both of them but even in His love for Martha, He rebuked her and let her know that Mary had "chosen the better part"—sitting at His feet.

Even though we have heard it before and we know Jesus should be our focus, how do we get from knowing it to walking it out in our busy daily lives—especially when the extra tasks are added at the holidays? Let me share a big, little secret with you that will stress-proof, pressure-proof, world-proof, even devil-proof your holidays! The answer is to make a quality decision to daily think on God's unspeakable GIFT to us (2 Cor. 9:15)—the precious Blood of Jesus!

As we celebrate His coming to earth as a Man, the Virgin Birth, and the Good News that came to dwell among men, His completed work and His precious Blood will flow continually to cleanse us and change us and bring every detail of our lives in line with God's eternal plan and purpose.
But [you were purchased] with the precious blood of Christ (the Messiah), like that of a [sacrificial] lamb without blemish or spot. It is true that He was chosen and foreordained...before the foundation of the world, but He was...(made manifest) in these last days...for the sake of you.
(1 Pet. 1:19- 20, AMP)
Leviticus 17:11 tells us that LIFE (or life force) is in the blood. H. Clay Trumble says that "Blood is the representative of that life which is the essence of God Himself."

Every time you plead the Blood of Jesus, you are speaking the "life of God" into the situation. Apply and exalt the Blood of Jesus over every circumstance and area of your life. Believe it in your heart and speak it with your mouth.

When you apply His Blood, you bring His Life, His very Presence, into your life and into your circumstances. And, when you do, this season of celebration can and will become everything you have ever dreamed it could be.

I do not cease to pray and make special request for you (Col. 1:9), and I am praying that this will be the most joyous and "love of God"-filled holiday you have ever experienced—every moment filled with the wonder of His Presence!

Jerry Savelle Ministries, International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.